Running the Benchmarks#

Before running the benchmark suite, please ensure you are not running any additional heavy processes in the background to avoid interference or bottlenecks.

Also, please ensure prior to running the benchmark that all code changes have been committed to your local branch.

For the most stable results, only run the benchmarks on the main branch.

To run the full benchmark suite, including network tracking tests (which require sudo on Mac and AIX platforms due to the use psutil net_connections), simply call…

sudo nwb_benchmarks run

Or drop the sudo if on Windows.

When running on Windows or if tshark is not installed on the path, then may also need to set the TSHARK_PATH environment variable beforehand, which should be the absolute path to the tshark executable (e.g., tshark.exe) on your system.

Many of the current tests can take several minutes to complete; the entire suite will take many times that. Grab some coffee, read a book, or better yet (when the suite becomes larger) just leave it to run overnight.

Additional Flags#

Subset of the Suite#

To run only a single benchmark suite (a single file in the benchmarks directory), use the command…

nwb_benchmarks run --bench <benchmark file stem or module+class+test function names>

For example,

nwb_benchmarks run --bench time_remote_slicing

Debug mode#

If you want to get a full traceback to examine why a new test might be failing, simply add the flag…

nwb_benchmarks run --debug

Contributing Results#

To contribute your results back to the project, please use the following workflow…

git checkout -b new_results_from_<...>
git add results/
git commit -m "New results from ...." .
git push

Then, open a PR to merge the results to the main branch.


When running tests with sudo the new results may be owned by root. To avoid having to run pre-commit hooks in sudo you may need to change the owner of the results first, e.g., via ``sudo chown -R <new_owner> results


Each result file should be single to double-digit KB in size; if we ever reach the point where this is prohibitive to store on GitHub itself, then we will investigate other upload strategies and purge the folder from the repository history.